My name is Tiffany, also known as Tiff, Tiffy, Teef, Teefy, Nin, Ninny, Mom, Mommy, Mum, Toad, T or Tea and online, mostly Baby. Basic stats: I am short, about 5ft. 1. I have dark hair which is usually dyed some shade of red, burgundy being my favorite. My eyes are green, usually olive but when I'm ticked they turn Kelly Green and my hubby thinks that is too cool. Kinda wish they were always that color but to stay that color I would have to go around mad all the time and where's the fun in that? Let's see...what other totally personal type stuff can I list here. I wear a size 4 (finally!!) You get looked at really kinda funny when you are 28 and shopping in the little girls' department. I weigh somewhere between 90 and 100 which is good. I've gotten as low as 70 or so but that was really unhealthy and made me a real pain to live with. I guess the most personal and embarrasing fact about me is that I have OCD. Obessesive Compulsive Disorder for the unintitiated. In other words, I live a lot like the guy in As Good As it Gets, but I'm usually nicer. :o) I do have a list of bizarre phobias and wash my hands way too much. Medication helps, joking about it helps, praying helps, mostly it is getting used to it that stinks. ANYWAY, that's enough of that topic. Again, maybe a book someday, but not now

How about a list of my favorite things? As you can tell the top of my favorite things list is family. Now, above family there is God. I don't tend to list that because, to me, it's a given but not everyone knows that so to the top of the list, to be clear, He will go. Ok.

Tiff's favorite things ::drumroll please::

1. God - Chrisitianity is a way of life and a relationship. Simply believing in God, even believing that Jesus is His Son, doesn't make one a Christian. Even Satan would agree with the actual existence part. Christianity is trusting God completely and trying to live the way you think He wants you to. It is also about a very personal relationship being that God is a very personal God. I never knew till I had children how much God really must love us. The way I see it, parenthood is the way God gives us a little glimpse into how He feels about us. He loves us, even when we drive Him bonkers.

2. Family-Think I've covered this one pretty well. I have a hard time making girlfriends because no one compares to my sisters. They know EVERYTHING about me and we still know how to finish each other's sentences. Alexis is the only person in the world than can ask "Still crazy?" on a day that I've gone to see the shrink. In the same way, Micah is the only one allowed to call me a freak. All of my siblings are friends and I wouldn't replace any of them. In high school, a friend asked if I would trade one of her brothers for all 5 of mine. I told her "no way, i'd be getting the bad end of that deal." They are all great aunts and uncles and are constantly teaching my children something new.

My kids fall under this category. Joshua is a crack up and brilliant and can drive you insane. He never stops talking (surprised? :) and always asks questions. He counts in English, French, Spanish, German and Japanese (thanks to persistant aunts and uncles) and knows the alphabet in American sign language. He can log onto the internet and loves surfing, home of the veggie tales. Danny's first nickname was Buddy, also my grandpa's nickname. He has a grin that lights up a room and loves to give hugs and kisses. He is also very curious and explores everything and will eat anything. We needed extra childproofing for this one. Remember the velociraptors in Jurassic Park? They were puzzle solvers. That would be Danny. He will persist and try anything and everything to get what or where he wants.

David also falls in this category and honestly I could write a book. He is cute, sweet, funny, obnoxious, brilliant, insane, the list continues. Mostly he is my best friend and I thank God for setting us up. I'm even thankful when Dave walks up to me and says "Guess what?" and I know that the answer is one of several, the first usually being "2 turntables and a microphone." Did I mention that he's weird? Anyway, without writing a book, he is perfect. A perfect match anyway. :o) He programs full time and is a manager of external systems (whatever that means). Whatever this is, it allows me to stay home full time with our boys. Love ya honey. :o)