The POP Question -
The events of the last week have left some people saying they
wish they had voted differently. What do you think?
I wouldn't change my vote. 62%
I voted for Gore, but would now vote for
Bush. 23%
I voted for a 3rd party candidate, but
would now vote for Bush. 4%
I voted for Bush, but would now vote for
Gore. 3%
I didn't vote, but I would now. 2%
I voted for Gore or Bush, but would now
vote for a 3rd party candidate. 1%
I'm glad I didn't vote. 1%
I voted for a 3rd party candidate, but
would now vote for Gore. 0%
(This is not a scientific poll. The results above are for
information purposes only, and should not be confused with the
results of the scientific polls conducted by CBS News.) Copyright
2000, CBS Worldwide Inc.,