This is a page of my favorite poems. They are all wonderful for various reasons. Most are written by my little brother and I think he is very talented. Again, click on the banner to experience his entire site. Those, not written by my brother, you've probably read and if you haven't here's your chance. :)
Statues of Men
Something surrounds us
we seldom see
Something which blinds us
with such sweet simplicity
We seem to look around, and we grin
at the site of our own; wonderful whim
We are surrounded by our own happy
the monuments we build aren't too shabby
We laugh and dance and praise them in our thoughts
Oh, how great we are: capable of such which we've sought
Our statues are wonderful, we fancy ourselves
We are superior to any who dwells
We laugh and dance all until when
Time destroys these statues of men - Micah Hale
Bunnies of Ermiton
They are small, not at all tall,
They like to play, almost every day.
They hop around, and fluff everything,
When they're angry, they fuzz in the rain.
They are rather frightening, as fluffy as they are,
They will clog up your drain pipes, and ruin your car.
Some say they're mad, others say they're just sad,
because they are not very good today, they are bad.
A little sheep got in one of their holes and stole it.
They fuzzed at the sheep and he fluffed up and left.
That is all.
They were quite mad, though,
because their hole did not smell like snow.
It smelled like sheeps.
Sheepses smell funny.
Not like any bunny.
They might go find another hole.
Yes, that would be a good idea, to go visit Mr. Mole.
"Hello, Mole," they say, "How are you today?"
Mole replies, "I'm just ok."
Mean bunnies say, "Right! Go away!"
They scared Mr. Mole, and he left out of his hole.
It now belonged to the bunnies.
Poor Mr. Mole. He got his fishing pole.
And with his pole, he fished out some bunnies.
And so it was written, and so it was done,
Mr. Mole got his happy hole back and his spot in the sun.
Okay, so what next.
The bunnies created their own form of computer code text.
Well maybe not, but it rhymed,
These bunnies are quite smart, and should be timed.
That also was just a happy rhyme.
But really, let's try this one more time.
These bunnies are really very smart,
You should read this poem again right from the start.
That would do you no good, though.
You just wouldn't understand.
These are the bunnies of Ermiton,
and they'll play with your mind. - Micah Hale
Chickens and Cows
I believe chickens and cows were made to live in caves,
The chickens, like the cows, like dark places.
They have small feet.
They are good to eat.
Do we eat bears? No.
That is because they like the snow.
What do you mean, I'm a liar?
Ask anybody. A lot of people agree with me.
Chickens like the caves, because they are cold and damp.
The desert was too hot for them.
Cows like the caves for the same reason,
for there is more grass in these blue, polka-dotted caves.
It is good this season.
More grass for them to eat.
It makes them fat. More for them.
More for us. A lot more meat.
Perhaps our chickens live in a shell?
No. Those chickens are now in Hell.
For the simple crime that they committed.
It cannot be forgiven.
They liked the shells, not the caves.
They'll have to have some time to think to behave.
They were bad, and now they're sad.
If you ever think to do that. First, THINK.
Shells are bad. We do not like them.
Nobody does.
Maybe the ermit crabs do.
But they are just weird for thinking so. - Micah Hale
My View on Life
Life is like a roller coaster,
You're always getting near the end, closer and closer,
Begins, it has its ups, it has its downs,
it makes you smile, makes you frown,
Some parts were exciting, new things everywhere,
other times were boring, there was really nothing there.
A spiral will send you thinking, about what's going to happen,
You popped out of your seat and then started flappin'
You realize you can't fly.
Your odds of living aren't that high.
Don't try to unbuckle your seatbelt,
That's just stupid.
or maybe your life is like a toaster?
Down......... up! down........, gets used a lot.
I want my life to be like-that-not.
You drink some, and go driving in the fog.
You remember a voice said, "That ain't eggnogg!"
The toaster breaks, and so do you,
after taking in a spill. - Micah Hale
The Cable Guy
I once knew a cable man named Sly,
He went to prison and did die,
He couldn't pay his cable bill,
It kept building up, all until . . .
Poor dead cable guy. - Micah Hale
An Ermits Thoughts on Life (ok this isn't really a poem and is more of a story but I thought after reading the poems you might like to read about the author)
I was talking awhile ago to some of my friends. That is something I do. I'm sure everyone does it, but we were trying to have a "serious" conversation which is not often something we do. Right. So Mr. Jesse was complaining about something about life blah blah, and I would tell you what they said but this is MY view on life, not theirs. I said to him, "Be happy with the 50-70+ years God gave you and you'll find out all your answers in the end." That is my answer to all of the "Who are we?" and "Where did we come from?" questions. My sister and I agreed (and a lot of people agree with this) that life is just no fun when you are normal. My friends were talking about different answers to life and stop me if I'm wrong.... hehe.... just stop reading, I guess, but they said, "To survive." If that is what we are here for, then many of us have already accomplished this. Maybe even you have! That is amazing. Hmm. "To work just to make munney (and some of them can't spell) for our stupid system." Nah. If you don't like the system, I say become president and change it or move to a different country. Do something and don't be unhappy. You don't have to work your whole life just to make money to survive. Buy a jet-ski with your money, a happy trampoline, or some other happy items. Here, I will name some happy items so that you may go out to buy them later and not be sad if you are so:
Blankets, pets, hot tub, pool, trampoline, Toothbrush...
Sure, some of these are quite expensive, especially teethbrushes these days, but work a little more or create your own job. Invent something or win the lottery. Write a book or write for a newspaper. lalala hmm.. Oh, that goes to something else. News people. I'm sorry to all the silly news people who I might offend when I say this, but STOP READING NOW if your are a news person. There, you have been warned. Here it is: You all are monkeys! Not all, I don't mean all. About 99% of you news people are monkeys. Whoever says "the people have a right to know!" Sure, we might, but no. I don't really care. A lot of people don't really care. Why do we have the right to know anyways about what the president is doing in his office? Hillary and Bill should have sorted it out among themselves, and that would have been that. but no... That's not what happened. The president lied to the whole United States on TV and then was made to apologize for that later. We caused him to lie though.. or at least the news people did. It was his fault he lied, but we shouldn't have asked him about it. They had to go say "what were you doing in your office, Mr. President? Hmmmm?" and that caused a lot of silly problems. Why do we have to know about all the criminals being locked up everyday, all the buildings being blown up across the country, why do we have to know about people being killed in different countries? If it doesn't concern me, I would rather not know. News people don't come into my house and say, "Micah! You and that cream cheese you are holding! What's the story?" People don't have the "right" to know about that and I don't like cream cheese. I'm sorry.
So that brings us to one more thing. I just now said, people don't have the "right" to know. My brother-in-law, Dave, was saying that it is very annoying when people don't use quotes correctly. I used that one correctly, I think, because I had just said earlier the word "right" and was referring back to it. A lot of people say, "Well I just think it's """"""SILLY""""""" I do." I maybe made a few too many quote marks right there, but that was just to show that people are really "silly." And there I go again using correct quotations. The "silly" person above who said "I think that's just silly, I do." with their quotes around silly is just a monkey. Nobody ever said "SILLY" so why are they quoting it? It confuses me. Use italics.
Also something that bothers Dave and I is when people misuse different words. To say that something is "hysterical," as in funny... that is just wrong. Hysterical does not mean funny. It means crazy. To say it was "hysterically funny," yes that would be a good idea, but don't just say hysterical. It is wrong. Also we have "I could care less," which is something a lot of people say. This is just wrong, also. When you are saying that, that is stating that you could care less, meaning you don't really "care less." if you understand what I'm saying. It should be "I couldn't care less." Yes. With the "n't" on there. Bah.
Hm. There lots of other things I could talk about, but I'll just say something about ... something. I think there are a lot of stupid people in our world today. A lot of them are running our country. I don't really see why these people who consider themselves nice enough to run our contries believe that killing each other to achieve happiness is the right idea.
Anyways, that's all I have to say really. There is a lot more, but it would be too confusing to say. My answer to life is "Spread the word of God, be happy, have fun and quit complaining." - Micah Hale
I hate the way you talk to me
and the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind
I hate you so much it makes me sick
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
even worse when you make me cry
I hate it that you're not around
and the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
not even close, not even a little bit, not even any at all.
Author? probably whoever wrote 10things i hate about you