QUOTES and such
First, I want to say "thank you!" to Ted for lots of info and some really funny pictures. :) David's grandmother, who was an absolute sweetheart, was actually nicknamed by her grandsons (respectfully of course) Yoda. This made me think of her and I think she'd laugh too. :o)
BEST POLITICAL SITE ----> www.gopfun.com
Al Gore in 1999 ""I
am not like George Bush. If he wins or loses, life goes on. I'll do anything
to win. "
My favorite quotes from a recent Vent in the AJC :)
"I want my SAT's re-graded....I think I shaded in the
wrong letter for the
question about the area of a Rhombus."
"If Gore was the second name on the list on the left and
should therefor get
all the votes for Buchanan who had the second hole, then
shouldn't Harry
Browne get all of Gore's votes since he was the third name on the
list and
Gore was the third hole?"
"If the idiots in Florida couldn't follow the arrows on
the ballot, I'll bet
"their one-way streets are a scream."
"A man we all know as Al Gore
Wasn't happy with his final score
When they finished the count
Of the votes, his amount
Was too low, so he counted some more!"
Gotta see the dubya dance!
Laughed out loud at this one :) Too cute. :)
Story my uncle sent me that made me laugh. :o)
My Incredible Journey"
The Life and Times of Albert Arnold Gore Jr.
I'm Al Gore, and I'd like to tell you about myself. I know a lot
about hardship, because I came into this world as a poor black
child in a tiny town in the backwoods of Tennessee. I was born in
a log cabin that I built with my own hands. I taught myself to
read by candlelight and helped support my 16 brothers and sisters
by working summers as a deck hand on a Mississippi River
steamboat. My mother taught me the value of education, so every
day, I would walk 5 miles to a one-room schoolhouse. I was a
mischievous, fun loving scamp, though I never dreamed that one
day, my youthful escapades would serve as the inspiration for
"Huckleberry Finn." After getting my high school
diploma, I took a job in a hot, dirty textile mill. I was so
appalled at the treatment of the workers there that I organized a
union. Later, that experience inspired a movie - which is why, to
this day, my close friends at the AFL-CIO call me "Norma
Rae." When word got out what an 18-year old factory worker
had done, Harvard called and offered me a scholarship. I
captained Harvard's football team to four consecutive national
championships, and won the Heisman Trophy. But there was a war
going on, and I felt I had to serve my country. So I enlisted in
the U. S. Army and went to Vietnam. I was deeply opposed to the
war, but I did my duty as a soldier and came back home with the
Navy Cross and the Croix de Guerre. When I got back, I took a
long journey across this
great land of ours. I've crossed the deserts bare, man, I've
breathed the mountain air, man, I've traveled, I've done my
share, man, I've been everywhere. And the people I met at
truckstops and campgrounds and homeless shelters on that journey
all said the same thing: "Al, we need you in
Washington." I knew they were right, but first I had to take
care of some other business -- building the World Trade Center,
founding the United Nations, doing the clinical research that
found the cure for cancer, and writing Shakespeare's plays. I was
so busy I just didn't have the time to finish either my law
degree or divinity degree at Vanderbilt. Finally, I deferred to
the demands of the people of Tennessee and allowed them to elect
me to the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. And then one
winter day nearly nine years ago, for no personal reason at all,
I answered the call of the people once again and took the oath of
office as Vice President of the United States. Since then,
I've been part of the most successful administration in American
history. Many times Bill Clinton has been pondering some grave
decision and has asked me what to do. And when I would give him
my thoughts, he would invariable say, "Of course. That's
brilliant. Why didn't I think of that?" During the darkest
days of the impeachment battle, the president told me he only
wished he had listened when I told him to stay away from that
dark-haired intern. So after I decided to run for president, I
sat down with him and asked if he had suggestions about how to
conduct my campaign. And Bill Clinton gave me a few simple words
of advice -- words I'll never forget. He looked me in the eye and
he said, "Al, just tell the truth, it's always worked for
Click on gator for funny parody.
I will add as I run across them, with links if I can! :o)