Why I am a Republican....and why it took me so long to figure it out. :o)
The first reason, the most important reason, I vote Republican is the fact that I am a Christian. I am NOT saying that one cannot be a Democrat and a Christian at the same time. I have not figured out how to mesh those two together which makes me, I suppose, a Republican. This page is dedicated to what I consider to be the most important issue when considering who to vote for. The way I see it, either the person sees life as the miracle and gift that God has given us and that children are to be protected or one is selfish and believes in putting themselves before all others. Did you know that that is actually what "authentic" Satanism is all about? No, I am not calling anyone a satanist either merely pointing out that the one thing that Pro-Choice view has in common with satanism and wiccan teaching is major self indugence. Anything goes as long as you don't hurt anybody else and it makes you happy. The pro-choice view does not include the fetus as an "anybody". Most call pro-choice folks refer to the fetus as non human as possible: "it's a parasite" and some even compare it to cancer. Whether these people failed biology or phisiology or are merely blinded by selfishness, hard to tell. ANYWAY....here's some info from part of the "vast right wing conspiracy"' :)
Bush's official view on abortion http://www.georgewbush.com/issues/lifeissues.html
Pro life with exceptions for rape, incest and life of the
Set the goal that all children should be welcomed in life and
protected by law
Supports parental notification, banning use of taxpayer funds for
abortion, and banning partial birth abortion
Supports efforts to increase adoptions
Opposes doctor assisted suicide, believes the role of a doctor is
to relieve pain and suffering, not to end life
Make permanent the $5,000 adoption tax credit
For the rest of the issues: http://www.georgewbush.com/issues/index.html
This page is filled with facts I've dug up from various sources. I will have questions, answers and sources at the bottom of this page. The following is one of the many many reasons I find this issue terribly important and not something that is simply a "choice"..except maybe the choice to murder with permission.
Samuel's Story
Samuel Armas' tiny hand reaches out of the womb to grip Dr. Joseph P. Bruner's finger. (Photos copyright/ Michael Clancy) |
Samuel Armas' tiny hand grips Dr. Joseph P. Bruner's finger just as Bruner finishes returning him to his mother's womb.
Bruner, director of fetal diagnosis and treatment at
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, was performing a
procedure on the 21-week-old fetus.
Bruner and Samuel's parents hope the surgery will alleviate
the effects of spina bifida, a disabling birth defect in one or
of every 1,000 babies born.
Because fetuses undergoing this procedure are so young --
Samuel could not survive outside his mother's womb -- this kind
of surgery is gaining attention nationwide from the medical
community and the media.
The procedure, the decision of Julie and Alex Armas to have it
performed, and the ethical questions surrounding it are featured
in today's editions of USA Today.
During the procedure, surgeons remove the uterus from the
mother, drain the amniotic fluid, perform surgery on the tiny
replace everything and put the entire package back inside the
The procedure on Samuel took about an hour.
Medical ethicists have raised questions about the surgery because it is not a cure for spina bifida but poses the risk of death for the fetus.
Parents who opt for the procedure say they want to do everything they can to help their children avoid a life of severe disability.
Do you really
believe this child, despite its label of fetus, is not human?
Doesn't he deserve the same rights
as any other American child? Oh, and he survived the surgery.
Here's a photo about 4 weeks old I think.
Pretty cute former fetus isn't he?
Child Development 101
Day 1 - conception takes place.
7 days - tiny human implants in mothers uterus.
10 days - mothers menses stop.
18 days - heart begins to beat.
21 days - pumps own blood through separate closed circulatory
system with own blood type.
28 days - eye, ear and respiratory system begin to form.
42 days - brain waves recorded, skeleton complete, reflexes
7 weeks - photo of thumbsucking.
8 weeks - all body systems present.
9 weeks - squints, swallows, moves tongue, makes fist.
11 weeks - spontaneous breathing movements, has fingernails, all
body systems working.
12 weeks - weighs one ounce.
16 weeks - genital organs clearly differentiated, grasps with
hands, swims, kicks, turns, somersaults, (still not felt by the
18 weeks - vocal cords work can cry.
20 weeks - has hair on head, weighs one pound, 12 inches long.
23 weeks - 15% chance of viability outside of womb if birth
24 weeks - 56% of babies survive premature birth.*
25 weeks - 79% of babies survive premature birth.*
(*Source: M. Allen et. al., "The Limits of Viability."
New England Journal
of Medicine. 11/25/93: Vol. 329, No. 22, p. 1597.)
Abortion Statistics - Year 2000
January 22, 2000 marks the 27th anniversary of the Roe V. Wade
decision of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Let's look to where the Roe decision has brought us:
a.. Approximately 1.4 million abortions are performed each year,
b.. Only 7% of all abortions are done because of rape, incest,
maternal or fetal health problems.
c.. An unborn baby dies every 24 seconds in the U.S.
d.. 3,700 abortions are performed every day.
e.. 60% of women over 30 who seek abortion have already had at
least one abortion.
f.. More than 38 million abortions have been performed since Roe
v. Wade. These are grim statistics for a civilized nation.
Full article at http://euthanasia.com/wagner.html
"Finally, abortion is a question of human rights, and
should be discussed as such. Human rights exist before and beyond
government: They do not vary with location, nor do they depend on
citizenship. Yet abortion advocates insist we accept the
destruction of some human beings solely because of their
location: They live within their mothers. (It is no small irony
that nature placed the human child there precisely for protective
purposes.) Millions of Americans have reacted to abortion just as
anyone would to the dismemberment of a newborn infant - because
abortion is the very same thing, only occurring within the womb
rather than outside it."
What does the bible say?
Medical sources and other facts:
Do they feel pain? (cannot find the author of this....got it from nrlc.org or another site found on the links page)