parents have been together since high school. They met at 15,
working in a movie theatre. They married at 18 and by 20, they had
me. I feel very blessed to have parents that I love, that love me, that
I can actually talk to I can honestly say that I enjoy talking to my
parents. We’ve had our disagreements here and there but overall
nothing too huge to tackle. Mom frowned a bit when I wanted to
double pierce my ears…she accepted it tho. I suppose being that
I was 27 and the mother of 2 she realized that there were some
decisions I had to make for myself. She will however let me know
if a skirt is too short by telling me to touch my toes. I love that she
still cares. My dad is a great grandpa and loves to play with the kids.
My mom is a very loving grandma and has crocheted some beautiful
things (including a blanket that Josh is very explicit about the fact
that it is Josh’s blanket). She is also always there when I’m panicking
because Joshua drank a capful of rubbing alcohol (btw, in case you
wondered, a capful of rubbing alcohol is not poisonous...I called poison
control every time Josh tried it. :) Danny has a fever. Being the
mom of nine, she’s earned the title of "expert." Anyway, she has also
pointed out that brevity is a lesson that I may want to work on so
with that, here are a couple of pictures of my mom and dad.