My sister and the baby of the family is a cute little blonde named Madeleine. She is as stubborn as me, silly as colleen and mouthy as Alexis. J Told ya she got all the good parts. J Oh and the strength of our mom. She is a great aunt and plays with Josh giving me a much-needed break when they visit. Joshua, of course, adores her and asks for Aunt Maddie to come over occasionally. Some day, I will be able to say "ok" and call her over. For now, it's phone and occasional trips to Virginia. Madeleine will be 11 soon and is pretty normal as far as preteen girls go. J She loves N'Sync and Britney Spears and drives our brothers bonkers with her Backstreet Boys CD. She also swims like a fish and is almost as tall as I am. She is going to be a handful is all I can say. I also look forward to shaking the hand of the man that decides to take this one on. J They think I’m a strong personality to live with? J Anyway, here are some pics of my baby sister and even a few Maddie-links. |